Android Devices - Mobile Security Enrollment

Once enrolled in the mobile security program, you can access work profile applications by selecting those applications which have the orange briefcase on their icon.  The most commonly used of these are automatically installed upon enrollment, however all applications may be managed via the work profile version of the Play Store app (with the orange briefcase on the icon indicating it is a work profile app)

The steps to enroll are as follows:

1. Add your account to your device: launch the Settings app, select 'Accounts', then select 'Add Account' and then select 'Google'.  You will be presented with the following screen where you will need to login to your account.

2. You will be informed that signing in requires you to agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, which you may peruse by clicking either link.  When ready to agree, hit 'Accept'.  The device will then begin the initial enrollment steps.

3.You will be informed that this account requires mobile device management and must install the Device Policy app.  Click 'Next'.

4. You will be notified that our company requires a 'work profile' which segregates corporate from personal data.  Click 'Next'.

5. The process of setting up the work profile begins; click 'Set Up'

6. You will be informed of the permissions granted to the company to manage your phone and the company data on it.  Click 'OK'.

7. Once you have reached the below screen, the enrollment process is complete.

8. Your enrollment is complete and you may now access corporate versions of the work applications by launching the version which has an orange briefcase over the icon.