2-Step Verification


The security policy for L&E Research requires that all staff participate in extra security measures for their Google accounts, which includes accessing Gmail.  Please read through the entirety of this email. 


What do I need to do?

You will need to enable two-factor authentication on your L&E Research Google Apps account.


What does that mean?

When logging into email from new computers, you will have to enter a second password to login.  This password will be randomly generated by Google and delivered to you via your choice of text message, voice call, or by the Google Authenticator application for IOS and Android devices.


How do I set it up?

Please follow the directions here.  If you are having difficulty, please contact the helpdesk..


What if I use my email account with external applications or my cell phone?

You will need to use a feature called "application-specific passwords" which are separate from your regular password.  The instructions for this process are available here, and as always, if you have any questions or issues please contact the helpdesk.


Won't this be a hassle?

Hopefully not!  Trusted computers are remembered for 30 days, so at most you will have to do the extra step 12 times a year, which is a small price to pay for the extra layer of security.


What if I lose my phone or suddenly have no access to my backup codes?

We are able to manage your enrollment remotely as well as generate backup codes should you find yourself without one of the multiple options for acquiring codes available, so simply contact the helpdesk if you run into any problems and do not have access to a phone.  We highly encourage all users to setup both a primary and backup phone number for their account so as to ensure that this is an option we rarely need to use.