Transfer calls

With warm transfer, you announce the call to the person you are transferring the call to. With a blind transfer, you send the call directly to the extension without announcing it.

You can transfer a call to another extension, or an external phone number, or to a voicemail.

To perform a warm transfer:

  1. While on a call, click Transfer to bring up your contact directory. Then:

    • For contacts with one phone number: Hover over the desired contact to transfer to, and click the Warm Transfer  icon to put the original call on hold, and speak with the desired contact.
    • For contacts with multiple phone numbers: Click the desired contact to view their list of phone numbers. Hover over the desired number, and click the Warm Transfer  icon to put the original call on hold, and speak with the desired contact.
  2. Note: If you try to transfer while managing two calls, the Warm Transfer  icon does not show up as a transfer option; you can only use direct transfer or transfer to voicemail. The option to use warm transfer is available if you are managing one call.

  3. Once the contact is notified, click the Direct Transfer  icon above the main call screen to transfer. The call and the contact are disconnected from you, and the call is transferred.

To perform a blind transfer from the call screen:

  1. While on a call, click Transferto bring up your contact directory. Then:
    • For contacts with one phone number: Hover over the desired contact to transfer to, and click the Direct Transfer  icon to put the original call on hold and transfer.
    • For contacts with multiple phone numbers: Click the desired contact to view their list of phone numbers. Hover over the desired number, and click the Direct Transfer  icon to put the original call on hold and transfer.
  2. The call is disconnected from you, and transferred.

To perform a blind transfer from your call log or contact list:

  1. While on a call, click Hold to place the other party on hold.
  2. Open the Contacts or Calls  tabs to view contacts and phone numbers you can transfer the call to.
  3. Hover over the contact or call log whose number you want to transfer the call to, and click the Direct Transfer icon that appears to transfer. The call is disconnected from you, and transferred.

To transfer a call to a contact's voicemail:

  1. While on a call, click Transferto bring up your contact directory. Then:
    • For contacts with one phone number: Hover over the desired contact to transfer to, and click the Voicemail  icon to transfer the call to voicemail.
    • For contacts with multiple phone numbers: Click the desired contact to view their list of phone numbers. Hover over the desired number, and click the Voicemail  icon to transfer the call to voicemail.
  2. The call is disconnected from you, and transferred. The contact you selected for the transfer receives a voicemail without hearing their phone ring.

Common Extensions:

10028 - Participant menu

10048 - Member Services voicemail