Here are some steps for your call recording : 

Go to settings (very bottom left wheel on your 8x8 screen)

 and it will open a new window for you to log into the website and after logging in you should see this:  

Call recording settings on the left>>>> and then make sure the first option is selected: Allow users to record calls selectively. This way You can record each call individually. THere is a place on the screener that tells you where to record, so it will only be ~2-4 minutes of call recording.
2. Use the MORE button on the bottom right of your calling screen (this will show up ONLY AFTER you have dialed the number) Mine has the 3 dots or it might say MORE (as shown below) --this will give you the option to RECORD

3. AFTER The call is complete. . .. on your left hand side there is an icon that you can click on to show all your call recordings, (this one below is empty) but shows you which button to click to get to it:

4 . You will then download: Here is a screenshot of what your recorded call will look like and then on the top right click on the three dots and then choose DOWNLOAD. 

You will label the file on your hard drive as---- the Recruiters initials, then recruit's first name, and then the First two letters of their last name) e.g.,   VJ-Linda Ju  OR  TC-Jannah Sm    Make sure to label EACH FILE THIS WAY ASAP even if you aren't going to download right away or you will be doing a lot of backtracking. We need to be able to find a recording if Wendy's asks us to. So the file name is very important and we need each of you to name them the same way. 

5.  Once you have downloaded and renamed the recorded file, you will then upload them to the appropriate folder.----->>>>>>

The folder will be different for each taste test.